Project At A Glance


  • CLI project that seeks to detect programming languages using spaCy’s NER on Stack Overflow/Reddit data.
  • It also enables an intriguing comparison by evaluating the problem with both - Statistical as well as ML approaches for Language Processing.
  • LangWhich’s workflow pipelined with Sentiment Analysis can be leveraged as an attempt to investigate how different communities think about different programming languages.

Inspiration: For a preface to this project, check out Golang Detection from Stack Overflow Questions.

Data: 2000+ Labelled Titles from Stack Overflow and Reddit in JSONL format. [Download]

Implementation: spaCy, Named Entity Recognition (Machine Learning Approach), Rule-Based Matching (Statistical Approach), Model Evaluation and Packaging


  • Both approaches were fairly successful but the Machine Learning solution had the edge on metrics as described below.
  • Named Entity Recognition: (Precision: 0.926), (Recall: 0.935), (f-Score: 0.931).
  • Rule-Based Matching: (Precision: 0.837), (Recall: 0.890), (f-Score: 0.863).
  • The ML approach was also about 3x faster on processing speed.
  • Developed workflow that enables storing a trained model as a package on the Local Disk.

Deployment: View this project on GitHub. To run locally, clone the repository in an enviornment (say, conda) and refer to the commands below.


The goal of the project is to make a model that could be used generally but it will specifically be used as a Named Entity Recognition exercise on Stack Overflow/Reddit with verticals for Sentiment Analysis. It is an attempt to investigate how the different communities think about different programming languages.

Typically, two models are evaluated using this project; a pattern matching model and a spaCy NER model to pursue a comparison between rule-based Statistics and Machine Learning approaches for NLP.

To export and run this workflow on your local machine, use the spacy project run package command.


The project.yml defines the data assets required by the project, as well as the available commands and workflows.


The following commands are defined by the project. They can be executed using spacy project run [name]. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Command Description
preprocess Convert the data to spaCy’s binary format
patternmod Generate a named entity recognition model based on rules.
train Train a named entity recognition model
evaluate Evaluate the model and export metrics
package Package the trained model so it can be installed
show-stats Show the statistics that compares both models.


The following workflows are defined by the project. They can be executed using spacy project run [name] and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Workflow Steps
all preprocesspatternmodtrainevaluate


The following assets are defined by the project. They can be fetched by running spacy project assets in the project directory.

File Source Description
assets/stackoverflow-train.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted training data
assets/stackoverflow-valid.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted validation data

Config Files

The following configuration files are defined by the project.

File Source Description
configs/config.cfg Local CFG-formatted for base config
configs/proglang_patterns.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted rule patterns


The following Python scripts are defined by the project.

File Source Description
scripts/ Local Pre-Processing Script
scripts/ Local Pattern NER Script
scripts/ Local Results Comparison Script

Command Line Interface

The commands and workflows can be used with the CLI as follows:

Initialized `project run`.


Executed the `project preprocess` command.


The `project all` command pipelines and runs the complete workflow.

Workflow Run

Metrics on display with the `project show-stats` command.



spaCy and spaCy Projects: Documentation

Explosion Templates: GitHub Repository

Vincent Warmerdam: GitHub


Part of this documentation has been auto-generated using the spacy project document command!